10 Video Game Weapons You'd Be Crazy To Actually Use

2. Killstar - Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon shamelessly brought the franchise into a whole new era of wacky, embracing pulpy sci-fi madness with an 80s B-movie inspired plot. To join the new map and enemies came a whole load of impressive sci-fi weaponry as well, including the devilishly alluring Killstar.

Essentially a cool rotating blade that the player can whack on their hand and fire a direct laser beam out of, it's easily one of the most impressive and spectacular methods of destruction in the game. Seeing enemies attempt to overwhelm you, only to get pulverised by a beam you fire from your wrist, simply never gets old.

Of course, it's not just an instant-win bringer of death, as the Killstar doesn't use conventional ammo. Instead, it draws its power from your own life force, and every second you hold the trigger is a second you're actively depleting your health.

So, yeah, you can pull off some devastating scenes of mass destruction, but you'll be actively killing yourself in the process.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3