4. Goldeneye
I feel like I'm flogging a dead horse here. If you look up the subject of good games based on movies, Goldeneye always makes an appearance. So yeah, it's kind of a cliché, but at the same time...if it's not broken, don't fix it. Goldeneye was the reason I stayed up late on a school night; it put you in the shoes of James Bond on one of his biggest missions yet, and it even expanded on the story from the movie. With so much to do and so many gadgets, how could you not possibly love this game? If the single-player campaign didn't do it for you, the multi-player did. It had endless possibilities and combinations that went a long way, with players having a fully customised game. Be it Slappers Only, Rockets, Throwing Knives, or Remote Mines, this game had it all for every type of player, and everyone you play with has a different preference of weapon. Were the graphics great? Maybe not. Were the controls perfect? Today it is almost non-playable, yet it still remains a masterpiece, and a benchmark for competitive multi-player gaming.