10 Video Games Bosses You Weren’t Supposed To Find

7. Crocomire - Metroid: Zero Mission

Secret Souls Boss King Jar Eel
Nintendo Research

The Crocomire is a mini-boss that appeared in Super Metroid in a fascinating fight that requires you to use your weapons to push him into some lava to kill him, in a method that feels like the battle between Mario and Bowser all grown up.

Weirdly, after this the enemy appears to have gotten a kind of curse, as it was planned to exist in Metroid: Zero Mission, before being cut from the GBA game altogether.

Interestingly though, the sprite still exists in Zero Misson, with an appearance that suggests the version we take on in Super Metroid may have already been injured when we go toe to toe with it.

Aware of the legitimate tragedy of this little lizard man being nixed from the game, a few noble individuals patched the creature into a ROM version of it, even adding animations that hadn't been created in the first place.

As such, you can still fight Crocomire in Zero Mission, if you only look in the right place, and click your heels three times.

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