10 Video Games BROKEN By Their AI

7. Dead Rising

Dead Rising

Chainsawing the undead and desperately hunting for zombrex are two things that will never get old. However, that isn't to say there aren't things about the first Dead Rising that are irritating.

This is best seen in the way some of the people you can recruit and rescue behave. Against all logic, some survivors will forget they have any fighting abilities whatsoever, and stand stock still as the hordes of zombies come to feed. While this is especially frustrating if they have a gun, it's almost as bad even if they're unarmed, because so often they'll just forget they can even push a zombie away.

As such, sometimes you'll watch in equal parts horror and awe as an armed-to-the-teeth characters stands screaming while the undead chow down on their fleshy parts. You can pretend it's because they're traumatised if you want to stay immersed, but part of you will always know the dark truth - that the AI simply rolled over and gave up.

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Dead Rising
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