10 Video Games Coming In 2020 (And Beyond)
6. Avatar

Considering the Avatar movie got itself a whopping 10 year creation period and was touted as the future of cinema, the game version seems to be getting off pretty lightly with its return to Pandora coming late next year. This new Avatar game is the second bash that Ubisoft have taken at the sprawling science fiction world, with the 2009's attempt best forgotten for its sloppy mechanics and half arsed motion control - but hey, it looked pretty, so at least it replicated the whole experience of the movie pretty well too.
This Avatar game will also be another tie in, coming as part of the release for Avatar 2 in December 2020. The game will be a companion piece that won't follow the plot of the movie precisely, but rather act as another point to jump into the universe with, which could work out pretty well if the studio manage to balance the incredible alien world with a story that's worth investing in.
If the movie sequels' hype factor is anything to go by, in that James Cameron promises they'll make you “s**t yourself with your mouth wide open,” then hopefully the games can follow suit. I think.