10 Video Games You Didn't Realise Are 10 Years Old

8. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Yup, one of the most respected and influential games of all time, and it's already a decade old. San Andreas was one of those games that slowly drip-fed elements of its gameplay out in the pre-amble, only to land and have a whole host of secrets and features still under wraps. It's a plan that Rockstar have rigidly stuck to, and back in '04 with the world still reeling from the one-two punch of GTA III and Vice City, San Andreas landed in a blur of perfected gameplay, amazing characters and one goddamn phenomenal soundtrack. From Guns n' Roses - and Axl Rose on a radio station - to warring green on purple gangsters, the personality on show throughout every single pixel of Rockstar's third 3D GTA welcomed you perfectly into a living, breathing city full of characters you actually wanted to hang out with. Although GTA V provides enough programming wallop to take on a string of cage fighters, San Andreas ushered in the same feeling of "How is this possible on current hardware?!" back in the day too. Just as you got used to burning around Los Santos, it was off to climb the skyline-dominating Mt. Chiliad before nabbing a jetpack and chasing some cropdusters home and grabbing a bite at the Cluckin' Bell. Even if you got sick of this character-management side of things, this was an incredibly immersive experience.
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