10 Video Games Everyone Wanted (But Hated)

6. Star Wars Battlefront II (2017)

Duke Nukem Forever

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there promised to be a video game unlike any other, bringing together characters, action and conflict from the entire Star Wars saga.

With a name like Star Wars Battlefront II, this game was always going to have a lot to live up to. Not only did it have to right the wrongs from the first instalment of this next-gen reboot, it had to outdo the original, 6th-gen classic Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005), which remains one of the most enjoyable split-screen offerings ever available.

While developer DICE may have successfully introduced a much-needed story mode, they somehow also tore apart the quality and focus of the skirmishes from the first game – one of the things it got right. This frequently causing AI units to spread too widely throughout the levels, which though lavish and true to the source, were left feeling empty and only lit by brief sparks of action.

On top of this, monetisation and pay-to-win mechanics earned the ire of fans. While an improvement on the half a game that your money bought you the first time around, this nonetheless ushered in a new set of issues, making monied players the reigning champions.

Gamers seeking a fully fleshed, single-player Star Wars experience were also at a loss, with the campaign lasting a meagre five-to-six hours.


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