10 Video Games Everyone Wanted (But Nobody Played)

6. Resident Evil Remake

Deathloop PS5

2002's remake of Resident Evil is one of the most acclaimed entries in the entire franchise, serving up a visually stunning retelling of the classic survival horror game.

And while just about every Resident Evil fan thought the game looked incredible, Capcom made the bold decision to release it exclusively on the GameCube shortly after the console's launch.

Given that Resident Evil was predominantly a PlayStation franchise and the GameCube sold far less than expected, it wasn't terribly surprising that REmake grossly underperformed, selling just 1.35 million copies on the platform.

Seemingly not appreciating why the game flopped, Capcom was then convinced that Resident Evil needed to be more action-centric, leading to not only the brilliant Resident Evil 4, but a slew of increasingly action-y sequels that stripped the survival horror elements away (until Resident Evil 7, at least).

Resident Evil Remake may have flopped on launch and forever altered the series' trajectory, but it was ultimately vindicated in 2015 when an HD Remaster was released, going on to sell an impressive 3 million units.

Still, it's curious to consider what would've become of Resident Evil had Capcom not initially released REmake exclusively on GameCube.

On one hand we may have never gotten Resident Evil 4, but we also wouldn't have had to deal with the schlocky sequels that followed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.