10 Video Games That Were Great At First (But We Quickly Lost Interest)

4. Pokemon X & Y

You old-timers out there might not understand the appeal of Pokemon (and probably never will) but for those of us who grew up with characters like Ash and Pikachu, it will always hold a massive place in our nostalgic hearts. Pokemon X & Y are the first games in the series to be released on the Nintendo 3DS and feature massively updated graphics with an overhaul in the gameplay, such as the ability to walk diagonally (revolutionary, I know). You'll blast through your first couple of hours, enjoying the nice new visuals, before a horrifying realisation €“ you've outgrown Pokemon. In the past, Gotta Catch 'Em All was your tribal cry but now it feels like an unbelievable chore. Perhaps the games are easier now or perhaps we're just far better gamers now (yeah, right) but the challenge is sorely missing. People practically hand you the Pokemon you need to defeat the local Gym Leader and your rivals are too busy making cute faces to be a real threat to your dominance. With a Ruby and Sapphire remake no doubt arriving soon, we're still refusing to let Pokemon leave our lives completely. Whether we'll be able to give it the attention it deserves though is another question entirely.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.