10 Video Games That Were Great At First (But We Quickly Lost Interest)

3. Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy was probably an introduction to the role-playing genre for a lot of people; that's why FF6 and FF7 are held in such high esteem by fans. It's not a series that has aged well though (Final Fantasy XI being an MMO really killed the momentum of the series for me) with recent instalments dividing the fanbase more than ever before. Some people really enjoyed FFXIII while others despised everything about it; the gameplay, the characters and the story. The game itself is beautiful and starts off exciting enough but quickly becomes a linear trial of a game; testing you to see whether you're worthy of getting to the 'good' part of the game with a series of corridors and long cut-scenes. The 'good' part of the game comes several hours in when you arrive on the world of Gran Pulse; this is where it finally opens up and allows for some exploration. The slog to get to that point is demoralising though, with no option to change your party due to everyone being split up for story purposes. Even the Battle system in this game has an 'Auto-Battle' feature if you're feeling particularly lazy, automatically making your characters use abilities and attacks that best suit the weakness of the enemies. It seems bizarre that Square Enix would choose this title as the basis for the series' first trilogy but perhaps its best they don't tamper with the classics. Final Fantasy XV looks set to experiment with gameplay elements even more, so don't be expecting a 'classic' Final Fantasy experience for quite some time yet.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.