10 Video Games You Had To Hide From Your Parents

1. Dead Or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball

To finish, how about a title custom built for those who are more comfortable stalking ladies from afar, whilst playing the barest amount of gameplay to justify something's existence as a video game. We all knew when the Dead or Alive series began to be known for its busty ladies, that it was going to be easy money should Tecmo ever decide to dedicate an entire game to gawping at them as much as possible.

Many sequels later it seems there's a huge amount of us that'll actually cough up the cash for such a thing - but it didn't make for easy viewing should anybody older (or otherwise) happen to be in the room.

It's teenage boy fantasy-demographic targeting at it's finest; something Tecmo totally caught onto after two console versions of the game too, as with the PSP-only Dead Or Alive: Paradise, the mini-games featured an increased amount of half-naked posing for you to take photos of.

If ogling the baby-faced cast was one of the main reasons you got stuck into Dead or Alive in the first place, now you could do so without taking up the whole living room - holding your portable device tightly in case anybody took a peek.

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