10 Video Games You Had To Hide From Your Parents

5. Saint's Row

Try explaining the latter two Saints games to anyone - let alone parents - and chances are you'll get a few confused looks. Not only in part three could you tweak the character-creation sliders to play as a shiny, purple-skinned super-powered sex-hulk, but in Saints IV your character randomly becomes the President of the United States. As you do.

This newer direction for the series reared its head in the second one, and since then at any point in gameplay chances are if someone looked at the screen, they'd see any number of things ranging from caking a house in faeces, delivering a flying dropkick to a grandmother or Stone Cold Stunner'ing an laser-gun wielding alien - all within a few minutes.

Speaking of the character creation tools, developers Volition let you loose with a plethora of sliders that let you enlarge everything from eyes to certain body-parts, the latter of which led to any red-blooded male warping theirs into a giganto-breasted one-liner quipping psycho-killer.

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