10 Video Games Inspired By H.P. Lovecraft

7. Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Amnesia The Dark Descent
Frictional Games

Released in September 2010, Frictional Games’ Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a spiritual successor to the Penumbra games and a pinnacle in terms of horror gaming. One of the first titles to truly invoke a feeling of utter helplessness in the player, Amnesia invites gamers to embark on a quest for truth while combating darkness and insanity.

Though it isn’t connected to any of Lovecraft’s works directly, the game has clearly been influenced by the author. For instance, sanity is a major mechanic in the title, and players need to be wary of looking at enemies or spending too much time hiding in the dark lest their in-game avatar lose his grip on reality. A longstanding hallmark of Lovecraft’s writing, it’s one of Amnesia’s many strengths.

The plot itself is strikingly similar to that of Lovecraft’s famous Call of Cthulhu in that, while not explicitly epistolary, much of the story involves the player tracking down old notes and clues to piece together what happened. Little of the world beyond Brennenburg Castle is revealed, and it’s up to the player to put together an idea of what’s really happening. Essentially, it’s Lovecraft in all but name.


Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.