10 Video Games That Were One Critical Flaw Away From Greatness

1. Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Critical Flaw: Outsourced boss fights. The original Deus Ex still features on many peoples' Best Games of All Time lists - and for good reason too, it's mesh of RPG perk-based stat-progression and an immensely well thought-out sci-fi aesthetic was something that soared, thanks to everyone in the early noughties wanting to replicate anything remotely Matrix-y through anything could get their hands on. For Human Revolution Eidos almost nailed that feeling again too. Providing you could put up with the razor-throated vocal-performance of one Adam Jensen, the vast majority of HR was another brilliantly-fun romp through a highly-detailed and fun-to-explore futurist world. We say 'vast majority' of course, because for some reason the coding on the boss battles was outsourced to another studio, making for one hell of an incongruous feel when going from stealth or action-based gameplay into bosses that may demand the total opposite of your character's playstyle. Some people who specced their character down the stealth route were suddenly all-but doomed when in battles against characters who were designed to be taken head-on, something that Eidos would at least attempt to patch in the later-released Director's Cut of the game, but by this stage it was already too late for most of us. Which games do you still lament got one crucial thing wrong, in an otherwise stellar or promising experience? Let us know in the comments!
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