10 Video Games Ruined By Absolutely Terrible Controls
4. Dark Souls [PC]
Porting console games to PC is a fairly common practice these days, and not a particularly unique circumstance. Usually, the controls work fine, as a mouse and keyboard offers much more freedom than a single controller would. But the release of From Software's Dark Souls on PC was so rage-inducingly frustrating that it absolutely merits inclusion on this list.
The notion of "attempting to control Dark Souls with a mouse and keyboard on PC" has become something a joke within the gaming industry, and it's no secret why. The PC port of Dark Souls is an absolute disaster, with wonky camera controls and unintuitive combat controls. Trying to dodge, attack and control the camera at the same time just isn't possible.
The controls for the Dark Souls PC port were so bad, in fact, that someone on the internet named Durante developed a patch that allows for greater customisation, rendering the port at the very least playable.
You know it's bad when a random person online has to swoop in and correct the shoddy work of an esteemed developer.