10 Video Games Ruined By Excessive Grinding

8. Maplestory

Grand Theft Auto Online

There aren't many games, even MMOs, which can dare to compete with RuneScape's soul-draining level of grind, but there is Maplestory.

Whether you're playing on regular servers or the reboot ones, Maplestory is the slog to define all slogs unless you're lucky enough to have a few pals to play with you and offset the tedium.

The insane amount of XP required to progress past level 200 - going from 200-250 requires literally several hundred times 1-250 - combined with the genuinely grindy nature of the game's quests, ensures that the initial fun of Maplestory's world quickly devolves into hellishly boring repetition.

The original release took literally years for the first player to reach the level cap, and unless you've got some serious time to kill, the juice can't possibly be worth the squeeze.

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GTA Online
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.