10 Video Games Ruined By Overhype

5. Dark Souls II

star wars the old republic

To look at its Metacritic score of 91 (or 92 on PS3), you'd never think that Dark Souls II could possibly be considered overhyped - on paper it seems like a game that categorically lived up to fan expectations, right?

But the player response to the highly anticipated sequel was considerably more polarising, with many feeling that it was a follow-up that fell far short of its predecessor's polish and finesse.

It's unfortunately telling that this is FromSoftware's only Soulsborne game not directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki, because while certainly a solid game by any typical metric, the level design and combat were ultimately way below the expected standard.

It felt like somebody else trying their hardest to make a Dark Souls game, basically - which is pretty much the case - and while most developers would kill to have their games reviewed as well as Dark Souls II was upon release, players were expecting a game that definitively one-upped the original.

Thankfully Miyazaki has since helmed every subsequent Soulsborne title the studio's put out to massive acclaim, with Dark Souls II enduring as a good game damned by the genre-defining success of its predecessor.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.