10 Video Games Ruined By Terrible Voice Acting

8. Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3 3 The voice acting in Far Cry 3 is not exactly the worst, not by a long shot, however as the most modern - and more widely distributed - game on this list, standards for voice acting should have been much higher. The civilians that can be found upon the island on which the game is based are particularly poorly acted. Not only are their accents often unconvincing, but they even sound badly recorded, the clarity of the audio lacking significantly compared to other voices within the game. Not every character in the game is 'terrible', although when the voice of the protagonist - 'Jason' - is one of the weaker voice actors, it makes it difficult to ignore. On many occasions, Jason's voice seems flat and emotionless. When he does actually try to come across as emotional, it feels more cheesy than anything else. Whether this is down to poor writing or poor casting, Jason's voice - amongst several others - makes the character less believable, therefore preventing the player from becoming invested in an otherwise well-made game.

I'm camera operator and editor at a regional TV station just looking to express my interests/opinions of TV, films and games. Always open to feedback and suggestions!