10 Video Games So Disappointing You Rage Quit

9. Battlefield 2042


According to SteamCharts, the PC player base for Battlefield 2042 started strong on release in November 2021. In fact, on opening weekend the game hit 100k players - more than either Battlefield V or Battlefield 1 managed in their respective lifetimes. However, this number had halved after the first month. By the end of the year, the community was a tenth of it's original size and had dropped to fewer concurrent players than predecessor Battlefield V.

Critics gave Battlefield 2042 some good but not great scores. However, the franchise's fans were extremely unhappy, leaving scathing reviews wherever they could.

There was a laundry list of issues with 2042. The lack of a story mode in the title was already a worrying revelation - but the time had not been spent elsewhere. The game had less guns, less maps and nonsense changes. Throwing out the tried and tested class system for the new specialist system felt restrictive and stank of desperation because of the microtransactions based on each specialist's skin.

The other major change and selling point were the massive 128-player matches. Naturally, this lead to a game that most systems could barely run as was evidenced by the endless storm of glitches and crashes experienced by every Battlefield player. By the time patches came, these players had all tuned out and gone elsewhere.

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The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.