10 Video Games Sold On Lies

8. Rambo: The Video Game (2014) - It's An On-Rails Shooter?

GTA definitive edition
Reef Entertainment Ltd

Made famous on the big screen by Sylvester Stallone, John Rambo has since become one of the most iconic action heroes in cinema history. Given the explosive action of the Rambo franchise, it’s strange to realise that the headband-wearing muscleman hasn’t starred in many video games aside from a handful of movie tie-ins

That seemed about to change when a trailer was released for Rambo: The Video Game in 2013. Showing clips of the titular hero stealthily taking out enemies with knives and arrows in addition to bombastic action scenes, this looked like the Rambo game that everyone was waiting for.

Those who picked up this game expecting an action game with stealth elements like the trailer advertised, however, would be massively disappointed on every level.

Unlike what was marketed, Rambo: The Video Game was an on-rails shooter, and a lousy one at that.

What made this trailer that extra bit more deceptive was that it was edited in a misleading way. While the trailer did contain actual game footage, quick time prompts were removed from shots of stealth takedowns to hide the game's true nature.

One day '80s movie fans might get the Rambo game they deserve.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.