10 Video Games Stuck In Development Hell (That We're STILL Looking Forward To)

6. Metroid Prime 4

Judas game

It's Metroid Prime. Need we say more? (???. ??? ??? ??. - WhatCulture Editor).

Oh, very well then.

For the few in the audience who don't know (hi Mum!), the Metroid Prime trilogy cemented Retro Game Studios as one of the finest developers on the planet. The first entry is routinely hailed as one of the greatest games ever made, and its sequels are damn fine games in their own right (even if the trilogy-closing boss battle sucked). As such, expectations are high for the long-awaited fourth entry in the series, despite the near total lack of information on it.

The one and only trailer for Metroid Prime 4 did little more than reveal the logo. Since then, Retro Studios have maintained a vow of silence over the project, causing concern over the state of the game's development.

This is nothing new for Metroid fans. The Metroid Prime series has a history with torturous development cycles, and Prime 4 was restarted after a year and a half of development. This actually mirrors the first entry, after the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto slammed it in a meeting with Retro Studios and sent them back to the drawing board.

Which, given how Metroid Prime turned out, is likely no bad thing.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.