10 Video Games That Are Practically Flawless

6: The Last Of Us

Joel Last Of Us Ending

Naughty Dog is a studio that has proved its mastery of writing, narrative, and compelling gameplay time and again.

Though they have a decent handful of games which could earn a spot on this list, The Last of Us was pretty extraordinary in the action-adventure genre. The 2013 game introduced us to Joel and Ellie, two characters who quickly earned places as audience favourites. Watching the characters grow through the people they meet and the hardships they endure as they journey across post-apocalyptic America is fascinating.

Combat encounters are appropriately tense, challenging, and highly atmospheric.

From the first minute The Last of Us is enormously emotional and compelling and that carries through its runtime which only leaves you wanting more. Visually stunning, wonderfully written, and a joy to play, it’s an adventure that’s very hard to put down. Fortunately, The Last of Us 2 is pretty darn fantastic too so that one will be waiting for you when you roll credits on the first game after its incredible high-octane finale.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.