10 Video Games That Are Totally Different By The End

7. Doki Doki Literature Club!

Uncharted Drake's Fortune
Team Salvato

Doki Doki Literature Club! is presented as a pretty typical, cutesy visual novel where, as a high schooler, the player attempts to date one of three female classmates.

At the start of the game, everything about it seems absolutely expected of the genre: the robust visuals, cute characters, and expected abundance of hormonal teenage drama.

But there's a turn much later in the game, where one of the three girls suddenly hangs herself, and later on another fatally stabs herself in the chest, at which point the game gradually slaloms into outright psychological horror territory.

As it turns out, the fourth member of the titular literature club, Monika, has become self-aware that she's a video game character and isn't too happy that she isn't a romance option in the game.

Monika then attempts to "trap" the player in a loop of chit-chat, which can only be broken by deleting Monika's character file from the game directory.

It's an absolutely bonkers turn of events for a game that, at first glance, seemed like nothing more than your garden variety dating sim.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.