10 Video Games That Aren't What You Think
4. Soma

Given 2016 survival horror game Soma was the brainchild of the creators of Amnesia: The Dark Descent there was a firm expectation that there’d be scares, which there are, but the story went much further off the rails than Amnesia fans would have expected.
In what is one of the most complex stories not only in horror games, but games in general, Soma challenges ideas of what it means to be human, the limits or lack thereof of technology, the concept of artificial intelligence, and definition of consciousness.
It’s all pretty heavy stuff for a game that you’d assume is just out to be another frightfest like Amnesia was.
Not that Amnesia’s story was insignificant, it was just certainly hidden behind the strength of its scares whereas Soma does the opposite. Soma could easily have gotten away with being an underwater scare factory, but instead it leaves you with enormous philosophical questions of what makes anybody who they are. The existential dread is arguably worse than Amnesia’s water monster.