10 Video Games That Blatantly Ripped Off Iconic Franchises

7. Dante's Inferno

Mighty No 9 Mega Man 11
Visceral Games

The Game: Dante's Inferno is based on an Italian poem known as the Divine Comedy, in particular the first part of the same name. The game is about a Templar knight named Dante who has to fight through the nine Circles of Hell to rescue his lover, Beatrice Portinari.

Dante's Inferno is an action-adventure title with platforming and just a dash of puzzle-solving. It's pretty ambitious, and even had DLC and an animated film titled Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic.

The Game It Ripped Off: God of War.

Dante's Inferno's biggest challenge was being compared to Sony's God of War, which was one of their most popular franchises, and remains so to this day. Like Dante's Inferno, God of War is also an action-adventure title with platforming and puzzle-solving. The two games even have extremely similar combat systems.

Despite taking so much inspiration from another game, Dante's Inferno isn't awful. It received average reviews with the main complaint being that the game lost creativity and got more repetitive toward its end. It was rumored to receive a sequel, but that never happened.


Kesten Harris is a published author and freelance writer. He loves the Nintendo Switch more than any human should and owns almost exclusively Batman shirts.