10 Video Games That Don't Get The Love They Deserve

1. Onimusha 3: Demon Siege

Onimusha 3 demon siege

When it comes to the rules of diminishing returns, it's normally the third one that suffers. In fact, there's been some movie examples in this list that fall under that (Spider-Man and Terminator, if you can't remember).

Yet in Onimusha's case, the third one is an underrated gem. Continuing that "Resident Evil but Japan" thing that Capcom started, Onimusha 3 raised the bar for what the series could do. Again, another game on this list with time travel elements, this game utilised them so well it had to be mentioned.

Seeing series hero Samanosuke launched into the future, whilst Jean Reno's Jacque takes a trip to the past, offered up some interesting dual-timeline gameplay. The usual puzzles were there, this time with a past/present mechanic in place.

Pair that with the refined combat that the series is known for, the third title was an amazing third outing that people weren't expecting. It'd be fair to say that this was the peak of the series, with the spin-offs and sans-Samosuke not quite hitting the same stride.

If anything, it still has the best introduction FMV to any video game, ever.

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Onimusha 3
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.