10 Video Games That Go BEYOND 100%

1. The Binding Of Isaac - Infinity%

The Binding Of Isaac Repentence
Edmund McMillen

If you’re a WhatCulture devotee you might remember a different video on this topic from a few years back, while I ensured this list didn’t contain any of the games featured on that one I made an exception for The Binding of Isaac because the completion percentage actually went up in the time between that list and this one. Back in 2021 Edmund McMillen’s 2014 remake of the original game which, to put it lightly, absolutely marches to the beat of its own extraordinary strange drum, could be maxed out at 3 million percent completion. Yes, actually.

But now that the brutal roguelike has piled the Repentance DLC onto its already sky-high pile of content expansions and hundreds of hours of things to do, we have a new completion percentage. Infinity. It’s infinity percent.

If you want to be a part of the wildly exclusive club that has attained this score which will grant you with a cool infinity symbol over your save files and an obese Isaac on your title screen telling you to stop playing, you’ll have to be extremely dedicated.

First off you’ll need to obtain the Dead God trophy, the trophy to rule all trophies, basically. You get it by unlocking every other achievement and collecting every item in the game. So that means defeating every boss as every character, earning all hard mode completion marks for all characters including tainted ones, and every other feat that makes up the game’s 637 achievements.

Hold on though, because we’re not done, you have to do this not once, but three times. On each of your save files. Yeah. If you have this one or know anyone who does you simply must sound off in the comments.


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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.