10 Video Games That Got EVERYTHING Wrong
7. Umbrella Corps
And you thought Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City was bad.
2016's competitive multiplayer shooter Umbrella Corps is a thoroughly tossed-off entry into the Resident Evil franchise, enough that its title bizarrely doesn't even contain the series' moniker.
In every fiber of its being, this nothingburger of a tactical shooter feels low budget and low effort, as though Capcom tasked a small team with slapping it together during some downtime in the later stages of Resident Evil 7's development.
The graphics look cheap, gunplay doesn't feel good, the camera is terrible, and the maps are too damn cramped.
After a point you have to wonder who Capcom made this for, because it's tough to imagine any type of Resident Evil fan - either those who prefer survival horror or those who embrace gonzo action - prizing much enjoyment from this.
Unsurprisingly, the player count on Steam fell off a cliff within weeks of release and never recovered.