10 Video Games That Got Really Good When You Stopped Playing

2. Suikoden V

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Suikoden V had the misfortune of releasing after two of the worst entries in Konami's dearly departed RPG series, resulting in many fans writing it off without even giving it a chance. It served as the death cry of the series, which is unfortunate as it's arguably a contender with Suikoden II for best in the franchise. But boy did it take a long time to reveal its potential.

Suikoden V's introductory sequence sees the player essentially living the day to day life of its royal protagonist, the prince of the Queendom of Falena. Exploring a sequence of princely responsibilities, the opening hours are mundane as you engage in acts of diplomacy and ceremony.

Dialogue and travel dominate the first whopping ten hours of the game, introducing the world and its characters to the player. Eventually this pays off when a coup upends the life of the prince and his loved ones, forcing him to flee into exile and build a resistance army. Thanks to that lengthy introduction, you have a much more personal attachment to the prince and the loss he experiences.

But who could have possibly known that after ten hours of basically just reading?


At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.