10 Video Games That Had No Right Being Fun

1. Viscera Cleanup Detail

There are a lot of simulators in the world of video games which let you take on exciting jobs that you would never be able to experience otherwise. Things like flying a plane, or running your own farm, or being a goat. Or being a janitor. That last one sticks out a little because it does not, in fact, sound very exciting. And yet, that is your role in this year's incredibly popular indie release, Viscera Cleanup Detail, in which you must clean up the mess left behind by various battles that other games might have had you taking part in. Meticulously cleaning up gruesome blood stains, it turns out, is a lot of fun when you let your imagination decide exactly what went down. And that is a scary thought indeed. The stereotype is that gamers don't like to clean. Well, look at us now! What games do you think had no right being as fun as they turned out to be? Let us know in the comments!
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A young man with a hairy face. Will often tell you that winter is coming before retreating to his mancave to play video games with a wooly jumper at the ready, just in case.