10 Video Games That Had No Right Being THIS Good

9. The Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay

Simpsons Hit And Run 1280 720

The Chronicles of Riddick is a science fiction film franchise which spawned from Vin Diesel's iconic character in the 2000 alien horror movie, Pitch Black.

Richard B. Riddick is somewhat of an antagonist who is the last of a race of adapted human warriors known as the Furyans. With a vast sci-fi world and Riddick having a strong skillset including night vision, piloting and stealth, it seems like the perfect franchise to adapt into a video game.

Despite this, video game adaptations of movies are almost always poor quality and I personally had absolutely no expectations prior to the release of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Against all odds, this game was a stellar action stealth game, with full voice acting from Vin Diesel in the titular role.

The story follows the Furyan warrior as he attempts to escape from a maximum security prison facility known as Butcher Bay, with first person combat, stealth and exploration elements excellently implemented. Interestingly for the time, the game featured no heads up display, limiting on screen cues to glowing objects in the environment in order to retain clean, decluttered appearance.

It is a shame that more video game movie adaptations are not treated with as much care as Butcher Bay was.


Engineer and gaming content producer. Busy blaming teammates for Apex Legends losses and torturing myself in From Software games.