10 Video Games That Had The World's Attention (And Lost It)

9. Evolve

Evolve Game

"The next game from the Left 4 Dead people!", "It's another multiplayer revolution", "We're giving it 9/10!" (the latter from IGN) - all the platitudes and hype came alongside Evolve, but the reality was a game that just felt horrible to play.

A unique idea in being asymmetrically-focused (a team of four players go up against one hulking beast, also player-controlled), in-game that manifested as a LOT of running around trying to "track" the monster, before being obliterated because in those scenarios, unless the team were working together, they didn't stand a chance.

Alongside this unbelievably soulless, plodding multiplayer was... nothing, as the Evolve omitted a single player and instead came with a marketplace full of microtransactions.

It was then widely circulated that Turtle Rock had developed the game "with DLC in mind", putting the final nail in the coffin as the overall package just wasn't worth it.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.