10 Video Games That Instantly Pissed Fans Off

4. Silent Hill: Ascension

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Konami once again put the boots to long-suffering Silent Hill fans by announcing that the first entry into the survival horror franchise in almost a decade - since 2014's P.T., if you even count that - would be an interactive media experience that splits the difference between video game and TV show.

Silent Hill: Ascension launched last Halloween and allowed players to watch a cinematic animated series unfold over six months, with players using phones or web browsers to vote on character choices and partake in communal QTE sequences.

You can practically imagine the monkey's paw curling when Silent Hill fans collectively begged Konami for more Silent Hill and... ended up with this soulless slop. 

Fans were incensed by basically everything about Ascension, from its awful visuals to its risible writing and is-this-an-AI voice acting. And because all this wasn't gross enough, it was also packed to the gills with microtransaction nonsense, being a free-to-play game and all. 

By the time it finally ended back in April, the sentiment from most Silent Hill fans was merely, "Thank God."

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.