10 Video Games That Instantly Pissed Fans Off

2. Astro Bot

Astro Bot
Asobo Studio

PSVR owners will take every errant opportunity to breathlessly extoll the virtues of Astro Bot: Rescue Mission to anyone that will listen, that it was effectively PSVR's Super Mario 64 moment.

And to be fair to these evangelists, Rescue Mission was a bloody excellent PSVR game. It remains easily one of the most impressive, downright entertaining offerings on Sony's first attempt at bringing virtual reality tech to the console-owning masses.

And so, when rumblings recently emerged that Sony was cooking up a new Astro Bot game, many were hopeful that it would also be coming to PSVR 2 - Sony's brutally under-supported technical powerhouse of a VR headset that was released last year.

But when Sony formally unveiled Astro Bot for PS5 in a State of Play presentation in May 2024, not a peep was said about PSVR 2 support, making it crystal clear that the game can only be played "flat" on PS5.

Given that Astro Bot had his coming-out party on the first PSVR and started out as a mascot for the headset, PSVR 2 owners were understandably miffed at the new game having no PSVR 2 support whatsoever.

Couple this with Astro Bot: Rescue Mission still not getting a PSVR 2 port, and many saw this as the final indication that Sony is only going to minimally support the headset moving forward.

The news cast an unfortunate pall over what was otherwise a euphoric reveal for one of the most exciting-looking games still due for release this year.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.