10 Video Games That Judge You For Playing

1. Drawn To Death

Drawn to Death
SCE San Diego

If the latest game from God of War creator David Jaffe passed you by when it quietly released back in 2017, don't feel bad about it. Drawn to Death is a garish mish-mash of awkward combat and try-hard style, but at least Jaffe had the good sense to let players know right away.

The game's tutorial alone perfectly encompasses its hateful, petulant attitude towards the player, presumably trying to be charmingly obnoxious in the way that Deadpool is, but failing cataclysmically.

The tutorial, conducted by a foul-mouthed frog, sees the player called a "f**king idiot" numerous times and sarcastically dubbed a "bloody genius" as the creature explains the controls. He then goes on to comment how even a baby can get through the platforming tutorial.

This antagonistic tone is obviously all part of the game's intended shtick, presumably aimed primarily at teenage boys, but as an adult, it wears you down incredibly quickly, to say nothing of how thoroughly cack the actual core gameplay is.

Surprising no-one, Drawn to Death died fast and has largely been forgotten by pretty much anyone who actually bothered to play it.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.