10 Video Games That Just Got Cancelled

1. New Nier Mobile Game

Halo cancelled
Applibot Inc.

Nier probably isn't the franchise most folk would immediately expect to get the mobile game treatment, and yet one already exists, with Nier Reincarnation releasing on Android and iOS devices back in 2021 - to mixed reviews, mind.

Just recently, Tencent - who licensed the IP from Square Enix - announced that they had cancelled a second Nier mobile game back in December, which had been in development for around two years before being shut down.

Tencent's official rationale is that they "struggled to find a compelling monetisation model" for the game, which given Nier's relatively niche, esoteric nature makes a certain amount of sense. After all, Nier isn't exactly a franchise that screams "gacha gaming," is it?

Between this and Square Enix planning to shut down Nier Reincarnation this coming April, it's perhaps all the proof needed that Nier is better off sticking to the full-fat console/PC releases and staying out of the mobile game quagmire entirely.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.