10 Video Games That Just Pissed Off EVERYONE

8. Diablo Immortal Released With Aggressive Microtransactions

Red Dead Redemption 2

Free-to-play mobile MMORPG Diablo Immortal launched back in June, and though Blizzard was upfront about the game being monetised through microtransactions, they weren't so honest about how outrageously they'd be implemented in the game.

Despite Blizzard insisting the game can be beaten without the need to shell out any cash, the microtransactions are aggressively intended to make non-paying customers suffer, with later stages of the game proving incredibly difficult without paying real money to become more powerful.

Some even accused Blizzard of making the game pay-to-win, especially with follow-up reports that it would cost upwards of $100,000 or take 10 years to fully upgrade a character.

This, alongside the discovery that the game also capped the amount of legendary items dropped per day, caused even many high-profile livestreamers and prominent community members to quit playing in protest.

At present the user score on Metacritic is a brutal 0.4/10, yet it previously dropped as low as 0.2, the lowest user score in the history of the site.

Yet given that Diablo Immortal has already raked in over $100 million in microtransaction revenue, one suspects Blizzard is happy to weather the storm of an irate fanbase.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.