10 Video Games That KILLED Other Video Games

3. Call Of Duty Killed Doom 4

Half-Life Alyx In The Valley of the Gods

Long before 2016's quasi-reboot of Doom was released, Doom 4 was announced back in 2008, though word went suspiciously quiet on development in the years that followed.

By 2013, a damning Kotaku report suggested that Doom 4 was trapped in development hell, while claiming that the original version of the game was a heavily scripted, cinematic FPS in the vein of Call of Duty, enough that it was given the mocking nickname "Call of Doom" internally at iD Software.

This version of Doom 4 was scrapped in 2011, after the game's creative leads decided that the vision had strayed too far from the Doom blueprint and, indeed, felt too much like Call of Duty. In a 2015 interview about the debacle, executive producer Marty Stratton said:

"When we sat down and went through what we really wanted, to make Doom the game that we thought people wanted, fans wanted, and we wanted to make? It didn't match."

Subsequently released prototype footage showed just how closely the game hewed to the Call of Duty aesthetic and gameplay style, prompting development to be restarted entirely from scratch in 2011.

Doom 4 was then retooled into what would become the well-received 2016 reboot, and the rest is history.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.