10 Video Games That Knew EXACTLY Where You'd Go

2. The Peephole Into Eileen's Room (Silent Hill 4: The Room)

Silent hill 4 the room

No one likes a peeping Tom, and yet, the often-overlooked Silent Hill 4: The Room all but forces you to become one. That's no accident, as the devs were aware of where you'd be going when stuck in that titular room. 

Throughout the game, Harry Townshend, the protagonist, is trapped in the haunted and nightmarish Room 302. Within this twisted apartment is a hole in the wall that Harry can look through to spy on his neighbour, Eileen.  

Now, the devs played a masterful trick here, as they knew most players would feel guilty spying on the innocent woman. However, with so little to do in the apartment and the temptation always there, they also knew you wouldn't be able to resist checking in every now and again. 

Naturally, that voyeurism came at a cost.  

In one of the game's freakiest moments, Eileen's stuffed Robbie the Rabbit toy punished those caught staring by looking right at you, pointing and glaring back. Sure, gazing into Eileen's apartment is optional, but the devs knew players would do it regardless and put this there to get them. 

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!