10 Video Games That Knew What You Were Doing

8. Destroying Another Player's Car Makes You Pay A Premium - Grand Theft Auto Online

The Witcher 3

The world of Grand Theft Auto Online is a griefer's paradise, honestly, and Rockstar has struggled since launch to balance players' ability to do whatever the hell they want with the desire not to be constantly trolled by others.

One of the big potential annoyances is having your expensive, supped-up car summarily destroyed by another mischievous player, so unless you want to play in passive mode - where players can't kill or be killed - it's smart to take out insurance on your vehicle.

While you have to pay an insurance deductible to get your car replaced if you wreck it yourself - 1.25% of the car's value - if another player destroys your car they get saddled with the bill.

Considering the ludicrous expense of some cars in GTA Online, this effectively hands out hefty fines to players who go around destroying fancy cars, and forces them to consider if it's really worth it at all.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.