10 Video Games That Make You Feel Like A Genius

6. Lemmings

Portal game

If you were a kid growing up in the 90s, the first game that really tested your cerebrum was probably Lemmings. In this adorable puzzle-strategy title, the player guides the tribe of titular rodents through a series of obstacles to reach the exit. These obstacles could be a sandcastle, a chasm, or tentacles growing out of the eyesockets of a bloody skull. (Yeah, Lemmings is a lot more messed up than you remember.)

In each level, you must figure out which of the eight skills to assign to the lemmings to help them reach their goal. These skills can help the fuzzy critters dig tunnels, bash through walls, build bridges, or block off hazardous zones.

But it's not just about what skill to designate your troop with, but when. If a lemming doesn't complete a bridge by the time his squad reaches him, they'll tumble to their death.

Lemmings may seem simple by today's standards, but it still holds up. Because every level can only be completed through strategy rather than chance, you can't help feeling proud upon seeing the cute characters arriving in their home safe and sound.

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