10 Video Games That Make You Lie To Win

Sometimes dishonesty is the best policy.

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Young Horses

Subterfuge has been a part of the way humans play around since before video games even existed - with plenty of card and dice games revolving around lying and getting away with it (or not, if you're not sneaky enough).

This in mind, there's always been a market for video games where you're duplicitous throughout - which is why games like Hitman have been such long time successes.

But it's still more than a little weird when a game insists that you lie in order to continue the plot. While this generally just leads to new, stealth-based mechanics you may not have been expecting, sometimes you do just have to straight up lie to someone - or yourself - because the alternate is turning off the game.

Lying in a game isn't immoral, of course, but you can still often feel a little weirdly guilty or uneasy when you do so - even if you've spent the rest of said game killing and menacing people indiscriminately.

But hey, we've all had to lie to our loved ones about not being a sea creature at some point, right?


10. We Happy Few

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Compulsion Games

For anyone who hasn't played We Happy Few, it basically covers the dealings of three protagonists; Arthur, Sally, and Ollie.

Each of the protagonists has their own unique issues to deal with, but where Ollie is open about not taking the mood-controlling drug Joy - making him an outcast from the "civilised" parts of society - Arthur and Sally are actively hiding the fact they are also 'off their joy'.

As such, you spent a considerable part of your gaming experience doing everything you can to look like just another inhabitant of Wellington Wells, and not someone who is aware that this drugged up society is a proverbial powder keg about to blow.

While trying to escape, you are stuck "looking normal" when you're around others, meaning you can't run, you should great everyone you can, and you need to be dressed in your Sunday finest despite the fact that you're in a borderline apocalyptic dystopia.

Oh and if you're Sally you also need to lie about not having had a baby who you are currently hiding in your flat. It's a great time all round.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.