10 Video Games That Make You Rethink Time And Space

1. Superliminal

Portal game
Pillow Castle

If you thought Portal was confusing enough with its, "I can see myself in the next room" gimmick, then Superliminal will confuse you more.

Its selling point is the use of perspective, both in lateral thinking and quite a literal sense. Utilising the art technique of trompe-l'œil, in which you line something up to create an illusion (as pictured above), is only one aspect of Superliminal.

The other is the use of distance and perspective: by picking up an item, holding it high and dropping it will see that object grow. Why? Because the height of it above you is how big it would be in the distance.

Does that make sense? No, it probably doesn't.

It confused me until I started playing it... then it confused me further.

Another puzzle, for instance, has you lining up a background object with a foreground switch to trigger it. Why, you wonder?

Well, from a perspective point of view, they occupy the same space.

Honestly, it's hard to fully explain just how mind-blowing Superliminal is. Much like Valve's predecessor, it needs to be played to be believed.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.