10 Video Games That Messed With The Player

5. The Secret of Monkey Island

BioShock Andrew Ryan

If there was ever a game whose developer had their heart set on messing with players, The Secret of Monkey Island is that game, and LucasArts is that developer. One of the most iconic point and click adventure games, the 1990 title is rife with obscure and ridiculous solutions to puzzles, tons of backtracking, and many 4th wall breaks.

This old school trolling largely gets a free pass due to its sheer charm and feelings of nostalgia, though one moment in particular tests the patience of many players. Protagonist Guybrush Threepwood finds himself atop a cliff at a certain point in the story, and if the player moves Threepwood towards the edge, the rock crumbles and he falls.

The player is immediately presented with a Sierra style game over screen, explaining that they would have to start over, and that hopefully the player has saved the game. Guybrush bounces back up to the cliff after a few more moments however, commenting on the fact that a rubber tree had saved him. Not enough to save the player from the panic they just endured though.

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Matt has been gaming since he was young, and enjoys exploring obscure indie games in between the latest AAA releases. The train sequence from Uncharted 2 still blows his mind.