10 Video Games That Messed With Your Saves

1. Becoming Something Greater - Nier: Automata

Eternal darkness
Platinum Games

...the best end credits in all of video games.

NieR Automata's end credits have gone down as a seminal moment in gaming history, and for good reason - no other game has made such a poignant, triumphant statement about the power of the human spirit. (Yes, we know how hyperbolic that sounds, but trust us - no one who experiences Automata's credits walks away unaffected).

Automata ends with one final choice - to complete an impossible shoot-em-up to save the lives of the main characters, or to give up in the face of failure (And the insane difficulty means you will fail). Choose to persevere, and the developers assist you with a squadron of ships to up your firepower & act as much-needed bullet shields.

The catch? Each ship in the squadron is created from the save files of other players, who deleted their saves to give you a chance to succeed. Once you reach the end, you are given the same chance to help others, at the same cost. Given what you've just experienced (and it really is an experience), only the most churlish would refuse.

tl;dr - "I regained my faith in humanity, and all it cost me was a lousy save file".

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.