10 Video Games That Missed Out The Money Shot

6. Devouring The Enemy - Final Fantasy VIII

God Of War
Square Enix

Nobody really thinks of outwardly explicit or objectionable content when they consider the Final Fantasy franchise, though Final Fantasy VIII saw Square Enix self-censor the player's "Devour" ability.

True to its name, Devour allows players to literally feast upon certain types of weakened enemies - not humans or robots - consuming them whole and consequently taking them out of the battle.

But because this is just a teensy bit gross, Square Enix decided to spare players the sight of watching Squall chug an Adamantoise, instead offering up a merciful, comical cutaway.

Once a party member runs towards their meal of choice, we cut to one of several possible peaceful images - usually either a meadow or the ocean - accompanied by a message reading, "Censored... Please stand by."

And yet, you can still hear the distinctive and unsettling sound of something being chowed down upon off-screen, even if the truly disgusting "action" was at least removed for the sake of our collective mental health.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.