10 Video Games That Mock You For Trying Too Hard

Working hard isn't always worth the effort.

devil may cry 4 100% completion

When you play a video game, you expect that doing your best and mastering everything on offer will reward you. After all, pretty much every single modern release has some kind of New Game Plus reward for beating it, or a special item for those special few who can be considered the respective title's top players.

However, sometimes trying your hardest doesn't give you anything, aside from people mockingly calling you a try-hard, anyway.

In fact, there are even games that will mock you for it.

Yes, some titles don't like try-hards as much as your average gamer, and so they decide to make fun of those who put way too much time and effort into absolute completion.

Instead of a reward or an additional feature, the only thing these games have waiting for you is ridicule. They'll tell you to get a life, step away from the screen, or, in general, give you a big middle finger because they don't think getting THIS stuck in deserves, well, anything.

If you're a perfectionist, steer clear of the following titles. 

10. You Need To Get Out More - Devil May Cry 4

devil may cry 4 100% completion

Devil May Cry 4 is one of the hardest entries in the series. It features a wide range of special challenge modes that alter the game's difficulty in every controller-breaking way possible.

The hardest of these settings is Heaven or Hell, which lets you to kill every enemy and boss in the game in just one hit, but you die in one hit as well.

The mode is the toughest challenge due to how vulnerable you are the entire time. However, if you think you're going to get praise for beating it, think again.

After you've put your sweat, tears, and throat swearing obscenities at every mob that ended your run prematurely, the only thing you get for beating Heaven or Hell is a pinup photo of the game's female cast, with an equally captivating message: "You need to get out more."

Yep, even the developers think putting so much time into beating every mode in their game is a waste of time!

And just to be clear, seeing as Heaven or Hell is unlocked as the last difficulty setting, you really have to go through everything on offer, just to be shamed by the devs!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.