10 Video Games That MUST Influence EA's Star Wars

Star Wars is a pathway to many different video games some find... inspirational.

star wars jedi fallen order

A long time ago, EA believed single-player games would become a thing of the past and that multiplayer or live-service games would become the next big thing.

Unfortunately, that prediction has not aged well.

Single-player games have proven that they are more popular now than they ever were, as they break sales records and scoop up multiple gaming awards years after year.

While other EA games have underperformed, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has surpassed all expectations and is on course to selling over 10 million copies. (For more info on how well the game is doing, and what EA have to say on future Star Wars games, check out the below).

So, if EA are willing to make more single-player Star Wars games, maybe they would be willing to make other types of Star Wars titles, too?

After all, Jedi: Fallen Order took inspiration from games like Uncharted, Dark Souls, Metroid Prime and God of War, so why not do the same with other games?

If that becomes a possibility, here are a few games that could serve as great inspiration for other Star Wars projects down the line.

10. For Honor

star wars jedi fallen order

Lightsabers are the most awesome weapon in all of science fiction. You instantly recognise what it is, and which universe you are in.

So if you were going to make a new Star Wars game, it makes sense to provide an experience that gives gamers a chance to test their skills and abilities with said weapons. So what better game to use as a template for duelling action than Ubisofts For Honor.

For Honor gives teams of players the chance to fight against each other in a glorious medieval fantasy setting as either the Knights, Vikings, Samurai or the later added Wu Lin factions. All factions have a set number of classes that corresponds to different fighting styles, each with their own unique strengths and abilities.

So imagine, if you will, a For Honor-style Star Wars game set in the Old Republic-era, as players brawl as either the Sith or Jedi, all while the Dual of the Fates music is playing in the background.

Combine this with the numerous fighting styles in Star Wars lore and the exotic list of locations to fight in, and you have a instant winner on your hands.


I am an open minded guy who is always up for trying new things. I love playing video games, watching and critiquing the latest films and tv shows and a big fan of football. P.S, I hope you are all doing well during these challenging times and that you have a great day.