10 Video Games That Never End

5. Sim City

No mans sky
Maxis Games

Before The Sims allowed players to micromanage just about every aspect of human life, developer Maxis had earned critical acclaim for a title with a broader scope in the SimCity franchise.

Though the series has suffered from some subpar releases in recent years, it is hard to argue that some of the original SimCity titles were landmarks in the simulation genre and could prove ridiculously addictive in the right hands.

The original SimCity tasked gamers with the ostensibly straightforward goal of developing their land from a patch of dirt into a burgeoning metropolis. Players had to provide inhabitants with somewhere to live, develop infrastructure, and collect taxes, all so their city could continue to expand.

While 'beating' any of the games in the franchise is technically impossible as one's settlement can continue growing and be maintained indefinitely, a quick scour of Google should be enough to show that people have devoted countless hours to getting as close as is humanly possible by creating municipal masterpieces.

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No Man's Sky
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