10 Video Games That Punish You For Making The Ethical Choice

7. Until Dawn

until dawn ashley death
Supermassive Games

Until Dawn is a game where you can get everybody killed so it’s fair enough you’d want to stay on your toes and perhaps question whether the ethical choice is the right one. Now, it might not be the right choice to follow the voice of your friend crying out for help down a creepy dark tunnel but she is doing a lot of crying out for you so it’s certainly the ethical thing to do.

If you’ve already read the passage saying the game’s evil Wendigo monsters can imitate voices and seen the Loss totem that clearly shows Ashley getting her head ripped off, this would be an extra silly thing to do, but there’s a chance your friend needs you so, off you go.

Being the ethical bastion of good I know you are, you’ll venture down that sinister hallway just in case it turns out your friend is in fact, in danger. She isn’t, and you’re now dead, but I respect you for trying.

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Until Dawn
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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.